The most comprehensive listening book

Pricing information for the listening assessment



The Listening Assessment is $30.00 Australian dollars.

For your convenience, here is a link to an example foreign exchange rate website.

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Commercial and Public Sector Organizations

The Listening Assessment is $30.00 Australian dollars. Volume based discounts are available for 100 participants and above.

For Organizations up to 99 participants, there are no discounts and each participant will be charged $30.00 Australian Dollars.

Organizations with cohorts between 10 to 99 participants, they can receive cohort report with their listening profile. To access these progress, group, individual and final reports, the organization can pay for an event code to avoid each participant paying on their own credit card and requesting reimbursement.

For 100 or more participants, Commerical and Public Organizations can select an Enterprise Agreement.

This will allow the Organziation to access discounts beyond 100 participants and greater discounts are available beyond 500, then 1,000 and 10,000 participants.

Commerical Organization Benefits include;

  1. Event Code for Group Report at the organization, department, or project level.
  2. Debrief of Group results based on number of participants
    • Less than 500 participants – a recorded debrief and three recommendations
    • Greater than 500 participants – a 45 interactive listening workshop tailored to the group listening profile delivered online
  3. Procurement via a Purchase Order
  4. Payment via Credit Card or Bank Transfer

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Accredited Facilitators

Accredited Facilitators are required to complete the following courses;

  1. how to listen – fundamentals
  2. how to listen – advanced
  3. how to listen – accredited fundamentals facilitator

Once complete, you will be licensed to administer, report and debrief results from the listening assessment

Accredited Facilitators Benefits include;

  1. Quartely professional development and community of excellence participation
  2. Event Code for Group Report at the organization, department, or project level.
  3. Industry comparison reporting for your client organization and their peers
  4. Purchase discounts for 25 participants or more
  5. Payment via Credit Card or Bank Transfer

If you are curious to learn more about the Accredited Facilitator Program – contact with the Subject Accredited Facilitators Program 

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Higher Education Organizations

Higher Education Pricing discounts available to students.

Higher Education Organizations can access Faculty and staff are NOT eligible for Higher Education.

For Higher Education Organizations and their Faculty and staff up to 99 participants, there are no discounts and each participant will be charged $30.00 Australian Dollars.

Organizations with cohorts between 10 to 99 participants, they can receive cohort report with their listening profile. To access these progress, group, individual and final reports, the organization can pay for an event code to avoid each participant paying on their own credit card and requesting reimbursement.

For 100 or more participants, Higher Education Organizations can select an Enterprise Agreement.

This will allow the Organziation to access discounts beyond 100 participants and greater discounts are available beyond 500, then 1,000 and 10,000 participants.

Higher Education Organization Benefits for Faculty and Staff NOT students include;

  1. Event Code for Group Report at the organization, department, or project level.
  2. Debrief of Group results based on number of participants
    • Less than 500 participants – a recorded debrief and three recommendations
    • Greater than 500 participants – a 45 interactive listening workshop tailored to the group listening profile delivered online
  3. Procurement via a Purchase Order
  4. Payment via Credit Card or Bank Transfer

If you are curious to learn more about the Higher Education Pricing  –  contact with the Subject Higher Education Pricing 


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K-12 Education Organizations

K-12 Education Pricing discounts available to K-12 students, faculty and staff.

K-12 Education Organization Benefits for faculty and staff NOT students include;

  1. Event Code for Group Report at the organization, department, or project level.
  2. Debrief of Group results based on number of participants
    • Less than 500 participants – a recorded debrief and three recommendations
    • Greater than 500 participants – a 45 interactive listening workshop tailored to the group listening profile delivered online
  3. Procurement via a Purchase Order
  4. Payment via Credit Card or Bank Transfer

If you are curious to learn more about the K-12 Education Pricing  –  contact with the Subject K-12 Education Pricing

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Not For Profit Organizations

Government Registered Not For Profit receive concessional pricing after their application has been received and validated by their national or local government authority. If you are curious to learn more about the Not For Profit Concessional Pricing  – contact with the Subject Not For Profit Concessional Pricing

To ensure we deal with your application in a timely manner please include your organization’s Not For Profit Identifying information.

Organizations must be a Nonprofit or non-governmental organization with recognized legal status in their respective country (equal to 501(c)(3) status under the United States Internal Revenue Code). You will need to provide the identifying information, usually a registration number to access concessional pricing for your organization.

License restrictions – Organizations cannot share, transfer, rent, or resell nonprofit licenses or subscriptions with/to other organizations or individuals even if they are part of the same group. If the group has both nonprofit and for-profit organizations in its legal structure, nonprofit offers are only permitted for the eligible nonprofit organizations.

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