The most comprehensive listening book
Deep Listening Ambassadors
Apple Award Winning Podcast
Podcast Episode 109: Deep Listening Ambassador Community

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The purpose of the Deep Listening Ambassadors Community is to create 100 Million Deep Listeners in the workplace.

  • Be a listening role model in your community, not a perfect listener
  • Being better than the last conversation
  • Create a connection to useful listening resources
  • Support other Deep Listening Ambassadors around the world

The Deep Listening Ambassadors meet regularly across three time zones to understand, learn, and support each other to improve their listening. The group has grown organically, now 2,448 Ambassadors.

I wanted to invite you to let me know how you would like to shape the Ambassador community in the next 12 months and beyond.

I invite you to complete this 5 minute survey, and shape the future of your community. 


As a thank you for your time and commitment to the community and the process of listening, I will post a paperback copy of how to listen – discover the hidden key to better communication – the most comprehensive book about listening in the workplace to you, for your time and completing the survey.

The survey must be completed on Midnight February 15, 2023 United States Pacific Time

For everyone who completes the quiz will go into a draw.

One person will be randomly drawn from the group, and they will be the winner of a bonus prize. The bonus prize is explained in the survey.

Thanks for listening




Hi, I’m Lindsay Harle-Kadatz and I am a Deep Listening Ambassador.
Hi, this is Moshe Katzenelson from Israel and I’m a Deep Listening Ambassador.
Hi, I’m Cara Schwartz and I’m a Deep Listening Ambassador.
I’m Dr. John Schneider. I’m a surgeon in St. Louis, Missouri, and I’m a Deep Listening Ambassador.
Hi, I’m Riwka Hagen. I am a Deep Listening Ambassador.
I’m Serge Costi and I’m a Deep Listening Ambassador.
Hi, I’m Nomi Sharan and I am a Deep Listening Ambassador from Tel Aviv, Israel.
Hi, I’m Shaney Crawford. I’m the head of a school in Japan, and I’m a Deep Listening Ambassador.
I’m Dr. Ed Nottingham. I am one of the Deep Listening Ambassadors.

G’day. It’s Oscar, and today’s episode is about the Deep Listening Ambassador community.

The purpose of the Deep Listening Ambassador community is to create  a hundred million deep listeners in the workplace.
There’s four components to being a Deep Listening Ambassador.

  1. Be a listening role model in your community, in your workplace. Not a perfect listen, a role model for listening.
  2. Be better at listening than your last conversation. This isn’t about perfection. This is about making progress.
  3. Create a connection for those you work with to helpful, productive, useful listening resources, whether that’s YouTube videos, podcasts, books, anything that will help people in your workplace to improve their listening.
  4. Support other Deep Listening Ambassadors in their workplaces and around the world.

The Deep Listening Ambassadors meet regularly across three time zones, the African, European Time Zone, the America’s Time Zone, and the Asia-Pacific Time Zone.

Created in December 2019, the Deep Listening Ambassador community was named through a listening process. We asked people who wanted more information about listening, [00:02:30] if they’d like a place to practice and improve their listening.

Through a survey of 426 people, they voted, and the community agreed to call themselves the Deep Listening Ambassadors.

Today, this community has grown to 2,448 members across 19 countries. It’s explored how to bring deep listening into [00:03:00] their workplaces.

They’ve discussed how to make progress in 93 online workshops, and they make connections with each other, across companies, across countries, across cultures, and across continents.

They provided feedback on the development of the book, How To Listen, whether it was its structure, its title, the stories, or the weekly exercises at the end.


They’ve prototyped how to listen  the online course, including feedback about assessments and course structures and pricing. They’ve requested and provided input into an accreditation for deep listening.

Since then, the group’s grown organically and I wanted to invite you to let me know how you’d like to shape the Ambassador community in the next 12 months.

If you’d like to shape the future of this community, I invite you to complete this five minute survey. 

As a thank you for your time and your commitment to the community and to the quest of a hundred million deep listeners and improving your listening every day in your workplace, when you complete the survey, I’ll send out in the mail [00:04:30] a paperback copy of How To Listen, the most comprehensive book about listening in the workplace.

Now, the survey, please complete it by midnight February 15th, 2023, United States Pacific Time.

As a bonus for everybody who completes the quiz, they’ll go into the draw. One person will be drawn randomly from this group to win the bonus prize.

And the bonus prize, you’ll receive 10 copies of the book, How To Listen, and a 45-minute listening online workshop for up to 20 people in your workplace.

If you work for yourself, I’ll run this workshop for one of your clients or one of your suppliers for up to 20 people.

This workshop, it’ll need to be completed by June 30th, 2023.
00:05:30 A quick shout-out to Kevin Monroe.

In 2019, I asked him the question, “Kevin, I’m on a quest to create a hundred million deep listeners in the world. What advice would you have for me?”

Kevin said, “Oscar, McDonald’s has got more than one outlet. You can’t get to a hundred million deep listeners in the world doing it all by yourself. I’m sure there are people like me who want to help you on that quest.

Help us with the quest and you’ll get to a hundred million deep listeners sooner.”

Well, thanks to Kevin for providing some really insightful advice for me.

I’m Oscar Trimboli, and along with the Deep Listening Ambassador Community, we’re on a quest to create a hundred million deep listeners in the workplace and you’ve given us the greatest gift of all today, you’ve listened to us.

Thanks for listening

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