Community of Practice
Based on feedback from the 2023 Deep Listening Ambassador Survey, we meet every 90 days for 90 minutes.
During this registration process, we will ask you about your listening in the workplace, if you would like to contribute towards the research and development of an Online Listening Course, and your recommendation about the best newsletter or podcast you subscribe to about communications in the workplace (excluding Deep Listening)
We ask for your postal address, as three people who attend the community of practice will be gifted a paperback copy of – how to listen – discover the hidden key to better communication – the most comprehensive book about listening in the workplace for their attendance and contribution.
What can you expect across the 90 minutes together;
- You will meet and learn together with like-minded workplace professionals
- Overview of the 90 minutes together
- One essential technique of listening in the workplace – before, during, and after the conversation.
- Interactive exercises to practice this listening technique with other participants
- Paired and group debrief and reflection.
- Integration and practice opportunities beyond the community of practice
- Listening Technique-specific Q&A
May 18, 2023 06:15 AM Melbourne, Australia Time
May 18, 2023 12:15 PM Melbourne, Australia Time
May 18, 2023 06:15 PM Melbourne, Australia Time
September 14, 2023 06:15 AM Melbourne, Australia Time
September 14, 2023 12:15 PM Melbourne, Australia Time
September 14, 2023 06:15 PM Melbourne, Australia Time
November 16, 2023 06:15 AM Melbourne, Australia Time
November 16, 2023 12:15 PM Melbourne, Australia Time
November 16, 2023 06:15 PM Melbourne, Australia Time
What others say
Often described as ‘changing the state of the room’, Oscar brings a presence to his events that sets the tone and creates a wonderful atmosphere that lights the room with warmth and reflectiveness.
“If you want to do an event that has people more curious, more empathetic, more attuned to the deeper messages and not just rushing from superficial quick tips but really asking the deep questions, bring Oscar into the mix.”
~ Dr. Jason Fox
“It’s a rare skill to hold the attention of our whole organisation after a full day of training. Oscar captivated, educated and challenged us.”
~ Robin Tang, Brother Australia Limited
“Oscar gave us the ammunition of deep listening to take back into the workplace. Oscar provides inspiration, clarity and definitely an element of difference.”
~ Debbie Ireland, Managing Director, ShareThePoint Ltd.
“Oscar was thoroughly entertaining and engaging. We were engrossed and left feeling illuminated with a whole new level of awareness for us and our customers.”
~ Eileen Puse, Qualtrics Asia Pacific & Japan